Boys in the ‘hood

Boys 1Karl and Bob… I often describe their “relationship” as similar to brothers.  They tolerate each other, occasionally play which usually degenerates into someone being a bit too rough with the other so ending up in a skirmish with Bob usually drawing blood… Karl will certainly defend himself but he never seems to get that Bob is getting serious and Bob does not hesitate to use his claws when he’s had enough.  One of the funniest things that happens is Bob will be sitting quietly outside intent on watching something and Karl will decide to start the play and run full steam towards Bob and just roll him over.  Bob comes up fighting – Karl walks away with a pleased look and I swear he’s laughing!  Bob pouts for a bit and no one can do a mad pout like Bob – purses his lips and looks extremly put upon.

The walks – funny also.  Bob decides to come along every once in awhile.  The first we know that he is along is a pitiful meow as we are further ahead of him than he likes – I tell him to hurry up and he does although he tends to always stay back a bit.  He doesn’t follow the entire walk – he’ll come part way not too far off the exact property line – then he’ll be waiting at the point we return to the property.  He’s usually pretty cautious about Karl … Karl loves if other people or dogs walk with us but I think he believes that cats should not be part of the walk… On the rare occasion, though, they are “nice” to each other and even seem to act like family…

Boys 2

