Whitefish morning

When I first moved to Montana, I lived in Whitefish at the base of Big Mountain Ski Resort.  I moved from Whitefish in Fall, 2002 south to Bigfork area.  I still see Whitefish Doctors, Vet, Hair salon and friends…  Yesterday morning, I was there for some appointments – it was cool enough to have Karl with and we always stop at what is now the Soccer Fields and a monstrous subdivision called “The Lakes at Whitefish” – very la-di-dah!  When Karl was an itty-bitty-puppy-boy, for off leash training we came here and walked in the dirt tracks and it was just a nice, big, kind of wild place – well, things change…   It is pretty, just different.

Big Mtn

The Lakes


Cowgirl Coffee

Above right – Cowgirl Coffee – on the way to Whitefish…my favorite Cowgirl Mocha a spicy mocha latte… at least the coffee has not changed!