Taking back the Front Porch


OutfitBy popular demand…the outfit….

Day 2 was much less stressful – it was cooler by 10 degrees and my anxiety level was less due to the success of day 1 – there were no visible wasps – a second dose of the foamy spray, knocked down the remaining 2 nests and done.  I did do another walk around and found one mini-nest – stragglers from yesterday rebuilding??? Not sure but I will have to keep a watch.

Last night I went out with a glass of ginger ale spiked with maraschino cherries – all quiet…  spritzed some fresh hair spray – still quiet.  We’ll see – hard to believe there aren’t some colonies in one of the wood piles but maybe reducing the population on the house will do the trick. 

Flowers and Bob 

At the moment, the front porch is ours!