Archive for ‘October, 2010’


This story is true.

It happened last Thursday night.

Sunset is about 6:20.

The sun hits us from a southern locale at this time of year. It is full dark by 6:45.

Karl, Bob and I have a last outing about 8:30.

Moonrise is 10:00

The last outing, down the driveway and through the woods, is in the dark.

About 8:30 on Thursday evening, I put Karl’s blue light special collar on him, outfitted myself with bear spray (pepper spray) and flashlight, said my prayers and opened the front door loosing the dog, the cat and myself to the dark of a Montana woods.

Bob typically ventures out on his own around the garage and the adjacent wood pile for his evening errands

Karl and I head down the driveway. Karl has a regular stop to starboard and then we trot purposefully to the road, hang a left and head for the far southeast corner of the property for the serious business of an evening.

Mission accomplished and the return is either back to the driveway or along the eastern most property line. On this evening, we returned to the driveway.

Karl, ever vigilant, was on the alert. No barking, but he was often stopping and “huffing” to the east. I shined the flash I carried into the woods…at eye level, above my head, low to the ground…nothing. We continued toward the house with occasional sweeps of the flash.

A rustle!! I heard a rustle in the woods! – My flash returned nothing. Karl stood at alert but did not bark. We continued.

I kept up a regular sweep behind and around us with the flash…looking, looking, looking – into the dark for telltale red eyes. When the flash hits the eyes of human or animal, the retinal reflection is bright red.

Karl and I were 2/3 of the way up the driveway to the house. I turned and swept behind us with the flash. RED EYES! In the driveway!!! The red stopped AND THEN STARTED TOWARD US!

My heart thumped. The red was not deer. Deer eyes are close together and about my own eye level. This red was lower and wider.

I did not know what to think.

The eyes moved toward us.

Mild panic set in.

I commanded Karl, “INSIDE”!

Inside is a command that I use when I want Karl IN the house. I use it ONLY for that reason and he responds.

As Karl and I headed for the house, I glanced back and did a quick sweep with the flash…the red eyes continued toward us!

Mild panic turned to alarm. I grabbed Karl’s collar, commanded “INSIDE” again and we both took off at a run for the house.

Approaching the porch, I yelled for Bob…worried that whatever was following us would trap him outside. He was not to be seen.

I got Karl inside.

I turned and yelled for Bob again…nothing.

I doused the porch light and stood in the dark of the house…heart pounding…thinking of those eyes following…unnerved…

Tiptoeing into the sunroom, I waited a few moments…and then turned on the sunroom spots to catch whatever was following us…

Bob!!!, It was Bob. He must have uncharacteristically followed Karl and I on our down the driveway walk….


Dream on

I have had visions of the way I’d like my life to be from the time I was old enough to be making some of my own choices.

Hanging in my pre-teen/young teen bedroom was a poster of sunlight in the woods. Our family vacations were taken on a beautiful lake in Northern Michigan where we stayed in a cottage on the lake for two weeks every summer. The area was wooded, hilly in actuality but it seemed mountainous compared to northwest Ohio, where we lived.

I had this vision that the perfect place to live would be with a mountain and woods behind me and a lake at my feet.

I grew up, finished school, went to work, married. Normal stuff. Every day on my way to work as I’d pass houses with lights on, I would think that I really just wanted to be at home…working at home. This was in the 70’s, before personal computers and the internet. Working at home meant housewife.

I divorced. I moved to California. I still worked…and then, personal computers. I taught myself to program for a small business I worked on with another. I went to work for a startup software company – not as a programmer, I was the distribution manager…I set up the order entry department, leased a warehouse and equipped it, set up the shipping department. The startup never took off. While things were slow and before they finally laid me off, I used the extensive library to teach myself other computer languages. I loved programming and it fit me.

I was laid off in June. I spent the summer at the beach reading Robert Ludlum books. I drove cross country – my first cross country driving trip – to visit my folks in Florida. September – maybe I should start looking for a job… The old vision, though…

After several half-hearted job interviews, I phoned the software company and asked if they knew of anyone who needed any custom programming. They did. I got the consulting job. I went to buy a computer and got a lead on another job from the salesman at the computer store. Summers & Co., which became Beardog Consulting was born. That was 25 years ago. That phone call started everything in motion.

And now…the mountains are out my front door, through the woods. Flathead Lake and Echo Lake, within minutes…and rivers which are now my most favorite of waters. My little house in the woods where I stay home and work.

This last week, I’ve started my mornings not on the front porch, but in the back of the house…on my chair. Karl is near watching and listening – the game trail runs down the hill behind the house and we hear the movement of deer, a great horned owl on occasion and sometimes just the quiet.

It is nearly pitch dark looking forward across the yard and into the woods. But looking up, there is light in the sky.

Although overcast and this morning, foggy, the waning moon still lights the sky enough that the trees are dark in contrast.

All week, I’ve had an almost overwhelming feeling of happiness, contentment, peace and gratitude.

This morning, that young vision came to mind as well as thankfulness that everything was put in my path that was needed to get to this place – to this life that is right for me, in this perfect for me house, in the woods, by the mountains, with my dog and my cat.

I have other dreams and other visions – simple things – but I see them. The dreams, the visions – they do not get in the way of enjoying and loving what I have now. They serve the purpose of guiding choices – helping me to say yes or no to how I spend my time.

On this foggy morning, in the lovely stillness, in the company of my good dog – I thought about how dreams have come true.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours. —Henry David Thoreau

Dream on.


A long work week nearly completed, Karl and I took off mid-afternoon for a walk and a quick grocery stop.

The skies were dark and overcast all day with rain off and on. Although the skies remained dark, we had our walk in a rain off time – yea :) !!

Still, the road home, on a cold, damp afternoon is not only a welcome sight but on this Friday afternoon there was even more anticipation…

This weekend is to be a baking weekend…a holiday baking weekend. Sunday marks the last day of October with Monday the first of November meaning next week starts the holiday season – Thanksgiving (U.S.) and then Christmas!

I am happy, I am excited – I love this time of year and this is the first year, in many years that I’m ready to start my own preparations and celebrations this early. I’m ready to enjoy the entire time with goodies to eat, festive decorations, gifts and gratitude for all this year has been. Let the baking begin!

The road home from Whitefish

Errands took me to Whitefish this afternoon. While still mostly cloudy, the clouds had lifted enough to see more of the mountains and there were breaks here and there letting some sunlight through in the late afternoon.

The road home wore both fall and winter dress.

To the left, the ski runs of Big Mountain have their first bit of snow.

Snow machines in the shed wait for the snow to reach them.

Rounding Montana Highway 35 as it curves south towards Bigfork, the snow covered mountains at the south end of Flathead Valley caught rays sneaking under the clouds.

And then, the road to my house…

The road home.


Yesterday (Monday), there was a bit of snow visible high on the mountains and barely visible through the cloud cover, but this evening! – this snow is low – maybe 4000 feet or even lower. My house sits at about 3300 feet.

It’s beautiful! Karl and I stood and called for the snow to “come hither”!

It is cold – that damp cold of fall and the rain/snow mix that chills to the bone and feels colder than it does in the dead of winter. But there is pure joy in getting cold to the bone when I see smoke from the chimney and think about the warm fire in the woodstove.

The color, the rain, the cold and the snow…harbingers of Winter, Karl’s and my favorite season.