It is cold

Between the time I took the capture and as I am writing … it has dropped to -8F.

It is cold here.

I have a knee length down coat.

And a scarf.

And Sorel boots.

I can walk outside, wrapped up, and actually comfortable!

The issue, though is on the unwrapping…

The issue is HAT HAIR!!!

As a local colleague noted: “Hat hair….got to be thankful for our first world problems! hah!”


A first world problem.


It is cold.

5 Responses to “It is cold”

  1. Steph

    Is Auggie venturing out or is he staying close to the stove?

    • Liz

      He asks to go out, but I have not been letting him out if it is below 10F. Even then, he does not usually stay out long, but just when I think he’ll just zip back in, he stays out for 30 minutes or so and makes me nervous!

      When it is this cold, it is clear so the days have been sunny and look fine from inside. I take him out in my arms to let him see how cold it is. He doesn’t try to get down and then settles down inside. Occasionally cabin fever hits and there is a bout of the cat crazies, though … much fun for Bear and me…

  2. Martha in Tennessee

    Yes, it’s shivering cold…and my husband thinks it’s cold at 27 degrees. LOL

    • Liz

      All is relative :) … now you know why I think 70F is HOT!

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