Nov 1: srsly ??!!??

Much as I was happy to see Summer 2017 end, it is still a bit disconcerting to see November 1.


Did we have Fall?

We did have some Fall and it was gorgeous.

And maybe we will have some more as technically, Winter does not begin until December 21.


Yes, we had a very snowy November 1.


There is a WINTER STORM WARNING!!! for November 2 at 6:00 a.m. until November 3 at 12:00 p.m.

Currently 5-9 inches of snow is forecast for that storm warning timeframe.


Bring it.

One Response to “Nov 1: srsly ??!!??”

  1. Margaret

    Snow! Unbelievable! Auggie loves it, I see. Here it is cold at night but goes up to 17C during the day and is mainly sunny.

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